A Theology of Periods: The Intersection of Pain and Beauty

A Theology of Periods: The Intersection of Pain and Beauty

By Erin Marcott
The name Eve means life, and women bring such vivacious life and beauty to the world. ...

Faith in the Impossible

Faith in the Impossible

By Betsy St. John
"One can't believe impossible things." ...

4 Ways to Hijack Your Stress Response

4 Ways to Hijack Your Stress Response

By Rachel Boulos
When you face one crisis after the next, life can become a series of acute emergencies.  ...

When Grief is Real

When Grief is Real

By Alex May
Much like the changing of the leaves, there is the changing of life's seasons. Some seasons are vibrant and green and lively, like the...

Raising Boaz

Raising Boaz

By Elizabeth Nejedlo
The "man club". ...

I Pledge

I Pledge

By Heidi Scott
Transitions are difficult. No matter if you are sending kids to public, private, or homeschooling, kids starting or transitioning back to...

20 Bible Verses For Travel Anxiety

20 Bible Verses For Travel Anxiety

By Indigo Sahara
Sadly, travel anxiety is so crippling that it literally withholds people from experiencing God's creation. And, believe it or not, I get...

Created to Create

Created to Create

By Nicki Behnke
We were created to create. How does that statement sit with your soul? For some of us, it may induce a self conscious eye roll while for...

Battling Our Fears

Battling Our Fears

By Judy Episcopo
What do you think is the most common command God gives to His people? “Love one another”? “Love God”? Could it be, “Obey my...

The Unfailing Comfort of Jesus

The Unfailing Comfort of Jesus

By Betsy Uhler
Saying it has been a rough two and half years is like saying water is wet or the desert is hot. It is a complete understatement. ...