At Streets of Bethlehem, the Discovery Land Children's area is transformed into a live walk-through experience of what Bethlehem was like when Jesus was born. It takes our whole church family to make the Streets of Bethlehem experience come to life. There is a variety of roles available – if you’re ready to serve, we have something for you!


At this time, actor registration is closed. Please consider serving in another role.



Adults or children age 12 and up

Cleanup: Dec 23rd 9am-3pm: Spots Open

Many hands make light work! Sign up for one of our group setup/clean up times. 



Adults or children age 12 and up

Shifts available during Streets of Bethlehem Dec 19-22nd

Lend a hand behind the scenes to make Streets of Bethlehem stand out. Roles include greeters, line management and more. 


help from home

Thank you to the many volunteers who helped prepare the Streets of Bethlehem materials!

Because of your generous support, we've made:
-7000 scrolls telling the rest of Jesus' story
-2,000 bracelets with the colors of the Wordless Book (the tool we use to share the Gospel in Discovery Land)
-3,000 bookmarks explaining the meaning behind the Wordless Book

For more information about seasonal help-from-home opportunities to benefit the children of Discovery Land, please email discoveryland@aac.church or stop by the Discovery Land Information Desk on a Sunday Morning!


Females age 13 and up

2-hour shifts assigned for Dec 19-22nd

Streets of Bethlehem Dancers register and begin rehearsing in July. If you missed the deadline this year, we invite you to consider joining us as a dancer in 2026!

