Mini Church


What is a mini-church?

Mini-churches provide the environment for biblical fellowship, encouragement, and accountability. Groups walk with one another through life while deepening relationships in order to support each other in ups and downs. Through regular fellowship, we can point each other to Christ in all areas of our lives.

What to Expect

FREEDOM: While Biblical Fellowship is the main focus of Mini-Churches, the “style” of each Mini-Church may be different. Each group is led by an approved leader or couple and styles develop from the personalities of group members.

FREQUENCY: It is recommended that groups meet weekly from September through May, but some variation exists.

SIZE: The ideal number for a Mini-Church is 10 people, not including the Mini-Church leaders.

TYPES OF MINI-CHURCHES: Life-stage, location, or availability based.


How do I become a mini-church leader?

Please fill out the online application

When and how often do mini-churches meet?

We suggest that mini-churches meet weekly, or bi-weekly if needed. The frequency and day/time will depend on the availability of your group.

The Fall session runs from October to December and the Spring session runs from January to May. Some groups may take a break for the summer (June-September) but some continue to meet casually or socially.

Where do mini-churches meet?

Typically, mini-churches meet in leaders’ or participants’ homes or locations that allow for good discussion and a time of prayer.


Trevor Lind

Trevor Lind

Location Pastor - Neenah
Barb Mlodzik

Barb Mlodzik

Adult Ministries Connection Coordinator