Mini Church
What to Expect
FREEDOM: While Biblical Fellowship is the main focus of Mini-Churches, the “style” of each Mini-Church may be different. Each group is led by an approved leader or couple and styles develop from the personalities of group members.
FREQUENCY: It is recommended that groups meet weekly from September through May, but some variation exists.
SIZE: The ideal number for a Mini-Church is 10 people, not including the Mini-Church leaders.
TYPES OF MINI-CHURCHES: Life-stage, location, or availability based.
How do I become a mini-church leader?
Please fill out the online application.
When and how often do mini-churches meet?
We suggest that mini-churches meet weekly, or bi-weekly if needed. The frequency and day/time will depend on the availability of your group.
The Fall session runs from October to December and the Spring session runs from January to May. Some groups may take a break for the summer (June-September) but some continue to meet casually or socially.
Where do mini-churches meet?
Typically, mini-churches meet in leaders’ or participants’ homes or locations that allow for good discussion and a time of prayer.

Trevor Lind