When Grief is Real


Much like the changing of the leaves, there is the changing of life's seasons. Some seasons are vibrant and green and lively, like the leaves of summer. Some are calm and warm and content, like the leaves of fall. And some are barren and desolate, like the leaves of winter. Yet, spring always comes. There is always an opportunity for new life, because that is how the Creator of the universe has so thoughtfully and meticulously designed seasons to work. If He carefully and thoughtfully designed the Earth's seasons to produce new life, He has also thought to do so for our lives as well.  

Everyone has encountered grief at some point in their lives. Whether true, deep grief was felt a few years ago or yesterday, it’s been felt. What is grief? According to Webster’s Dictionary, grief is “a deep and poignant distress caused by bereavement” (aka deep suffering). Grief can take different forms, the most renowned being the death of a loved one. It can also be found in the change of relationship dynamics, a job, constant miscommunication, not living fully into your purpose, uncertainty, unclear direction, kids leaving the house, you fill in the blank. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all for what grief is or should look like, but there are solutions to it.  

Let’s begin with: Sit in it. 

That’s right, I said it. Sit in the grief like it’s a bean bag chair- squishy enough to sink into, yet firm enough to get up from. All too often, we are trying to get to the spring season, but we don’t fully process through the winter of grief. We don’t spend time taking grief to Jesus and letting Him touch the barren and grey parts. He says, “come to me all who are weary, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). I’m not saying to stay in it but sit in it. 

Seek Jesus. Matthew 6 tells us, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet our Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they are?" Spoiler, we are valuable! We, who were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27-29) mean so much to Him. If He cares for the grass of the field and the sparrow (a boring bird), how much more does He care about you? Bring your grief, your pain, your desolation to Jesus. How? Find a verse to meditate on or even a worship song to wash over you. Nothing can bring on spring like Jesus can. 

Take Each day. Take each day as it comes. Some days feel like mountainous victories while others feel like dry wastelands. And each are okay. Maybe that’s exactly what’s needed, permission to take each day as it comes. Each day God breathes breath into our lungs is a day that we get to strive to bring Him glory, whether it’s filled with tear-full moments or joy-filled triumphs. John 16:33 says, “…In this world, we will have trouble, but Take Heart! I have overcome the world”. What a sweet reminder that in the tough seasons of our lives, there is Hope. 

I don’t know where you find yourself today or where you’ll find yourself this year, but I do know that Jesus is good all the time. The leaves are changing, the colors are beautiful, and fall is here. You feel the nip of the crisp air and the nostalgia that fills it. You see the leaves falling away and covering the ground upon which you walk. 

Somewhere in the back of our minds, we know winter is coming. But be reminded that, like the barren cold of winter (so reminiscent of death) Jesus was crucified and laid in the tomb and “winter” was all that the disciples felt. But 3 days later, spring came, and it stayed forever.

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