Children Of The Light

Children Of The Light

By Elizabeth Nejedlo
Over the years, I have fallen in love with light as a photographer. I see it everywhere I place my eyes. I see the way it sparkles on water...

The Glow of The Screen

The Glow of The Screen

By Nicki Behnke
It’s a part of me- a constant pull- an undercurrent of my life. When I open my eyes, it has a place in my first few thoughts. I reach...

Will You Let Your Light Shine?

Will You Let Your Light Shine?

By Betsy Uhler
Many of us learned the song, “This Little Light of Mine” in Sunday school or vacation Bible school when we were small children. The...

Shine Light in The Darkness

Shine Light in The Darkness

By Heidi Scott
Last winter, we spent the holidays in a foreign land. Missing family gatherings and festivities, many of our Christmas traditions were...

When God Says,

When God Says, "Wait" to Your Prayers

By Judy Episcopo
Back in 2007, we decided to build an empty nester home. Things were good. Economy was great. Kids were coming off the budget. Instead of...

Awaiting Christmas

Awaiting Christmas

By Alex May
When I was younger, I remember waking up on Christmas morning in the pajamas I had opened the night before. It always started by listening...

The Unseen Opportunity of Waiting

The Unseen Opportunity of Waiting

By Katie Long
Throughout my life, my dad seriously injured himself on a fairly regular basis. I didn’t think anything of it - hospitalizations, broken...

This Tiny Story

This Tiny Story

By Carissa VanDalen
I built a tiny house. You read that right. 140 square feet of tiny living space. More specifically, my Dad and I built a tiny house on...

What's in the Waiting

What's in the Waiting

By Betsy Uhler
We live in a world of instant gratification. It seems as if we cannot wait for anything. I am so guilty of deciding I want something and...

What 40 Years of Marriage has Taught Me

What 40 Years of Marriage has Taught Me

By Judy Episcopo
We have been married almost 40 years. What would I want a beautiful bride to know in order to help make her marriage last just as long? ...