Parenting Adult Children

Parenting Adult Children

By Judy Episcopo
Parenting is a lifelong commitment. It just looks different when it comes to your adult children. ...

What’s Your Mission? 

What’s Your Mission? 

By Heidi Scott
Every good organization or business has a mission. A memorable phrase or idea everyone can recognize and get behind. Some people have even...



By Judy Episcopo
There she was, looking a bit awkward: an older, prim, and proper spinster. Dressed in unremarkable, definitely not fashionable, clothes....

The Secret to Finding Strength When you Feel Weak

The Secret to Finding Strength When you Feel Weak

By Rachel Boulos
When it comes to the hustle and power moves of my peers, I just can’t compete. While they’re off growing careers, raising families,...

Observing the Sabbath: Is It Possible? 

Observing the Sabbath: Is It Possible? 

By Katie Long
“People who keep the Sabbath live all seven days differently.” – Walter Brueggeman ...

Rest is Leadership

Rest is Leadership

By Alex May
Leadership comes in many shapes and sizes. It can be bold and seen at the front of the room, but it can also be quiet and in the...

Jesus Packs Light. You Can Too.

Jesus Packs Light. You Can Too.

By Indigo Sahara
***This blog post was originally seen on the Indigo Sahara travel blog. For travel guides and tips, visit indigosahara.com *** ...

Children Of The Light

Children Of The Light

By Elizabeth Nejedlo
Over the years, I have fallen in love with light as a photographer. I see it everywhere I place my eyes. I see the way it sparkles on water...

The Glow of The Screen

The Glow of The Screen

By Nicki Behnke
It’s a part of me- a constant pull- an undercurrent of my life. When I open my eyes, it has a place in my first few thoughts. I reach...

Will You Let Your Light Shine?

Will You Let Your Light Shine?

By Betsy Uhler
Many of us learned the song, “This Little Light of Mine” in Sunday school or vacation Bible school when we were small children. The...