The King & The Rich Ruler

The King & The Rich Ruler

According to Jesus, we can get to heaven only by following him. The guy in this passage walked away...

The 5 Gauges: Emotional Gauge

The 5 Gauges: Emotional Gauge

Pastor Brian Episcopo continues our series on the 5 gauges.

The King & His Faithful

The King & His Faithful

Everyone who follows Jesus will be tempted to give up, but Jesus doesn't want us to lose heart. To...

The 5 Gauges: Physical Gauge

The 5 Gauges: Physical Gauge

Rev. Brian Episcopo continues our series on the 5 gauges.

The King & His Guests

The King & His Guests

Have you ever thought about the way a good feast points to heaven? The food, the fellowship, a room...

The 5 Gauges: Spiritual Gauge

The 5 Gauges: Spiritual Gauge

Pastor Brian wants to know how you're doing... really. As we jump into "The 5 Gauges", Pastor Brian...

The King & His Servants

The King & His Servants

Here's a discouraging equation: a limited time on earth + a tendency to lose sight of what matters...

Biblical Forgiveness

Biblical Forgiveness

Pastor Dennis explains three steps we can take toward forgiving others.

How Much Is Enough? (Hortonville)

How Much Is Enough? (Hortonville)

Pastor Mark uses four examples of different kinds of faith to answer the question, "How much faith...

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