What's Next?
What's Next: Did Jesus Leave?
Description: TBD
Empowered to Witness
Description: Jesus promised his followers they would receive extraordinary power from God’s...
Sent, With the Spirit & Scars
Description: To continue his work on earth, Jesus sends his people: scars and all. Wherever you...
Where is Jesus today?
Description: Jesus' parting words to his disciples tell us a lot about where he is today, what he's...
Do you love me?
Description: Peter failed. Jesus restored. We fail. Christ comes to us in our departure and...
Appleton Message 05.07.23
153 Fish, Exactly
Description: Many think the Bible is full of 'fish stories,' but the account of this fishing trip...
The Gospel, Together
Description: God calls us to live gospel-centered lives in gospel-centered communities. In this...
But, In Fact, Christ is Risen!
Description: Paul reminds the Corinthians of three aspects of the Resurrection that cannot be...
Stranger to Savior
Description: If Jesus came back to life, it changes everything. But how can we have confidence that...
What's Next: On The Road