When You Can't See the Big Picture


During the past couple of years, I’ve been watching God construct a puzzle. Through the pieces of my life, the lives of others, and a variety of circumstances, I have watched the pieces of my puzzle being moved and shifted to fit together in the most perfect way.  

When God was moving the pieces of my puzzle, I never thought He would lead me here. I had no box to look at as the pieces were being put together, so I had no clue what the finished picture was going to be. I had to trust God that He was doing something beautiful. 

In the fall of 2022, He started laying out the pieces of my puzzle. He nudged me to pursue further education at Fox Valley Technical College. After talking with trusted friends, I started classes in the Office Assistant Program. 

Six months into this adventure, I began to feel restless and wondered what God had planned for my future. I applied for a couple of administrative positions at church feeling very much that was the purpose for pursuing my education, but I was turned down. I began to question if I heard God right. What was the purpose for the delays and setbacks? Why was it taking so long? 

I was encouraged by others to apply elsewhere but felt a strong sense to wait. Now, I do not wait well! I knew my time at the job I was doing was coming to an end. I wanted someone to fill my position to make the transition easier. I felt I should wait. I had lost my passion, but I loved the people I worked with and did not want to let them down. 

A year ago, I was so confused. Today I am in awe of the puzzle of my life that God has put together and so thankful that I didn’t rush ahead of Him. I needed to wait, because He needed to put a few more pieces together before He could move me into place. Two weeks after I was hired for my new position, God brought exactly the right person to replace me. As I talk to her about this, she feels blessed in her new role and I feel blessed because I am fitting in exactly where God planned.  

God puts the pieces of our lives together for His good and His glory. If we try to move outside of God’s good purpose, it’s like jamming a puzzle piece in where it does not fit. The next piece won’t fit right, and the one after that, and so on.

I don’t know what puzzle pieces of your life are out on the table right now that don’t seem to fit together. Maybe you want to be married, you want children, you long for a different job, you are in a difficult marriage, or you have concerning health issues. Maybe it’s the past: losses that have left you confused, abuse that needs healing. 
I’ve had pieces of loss, death, and health concerns also. Those are all difficult places to be, but they can become colorful pieces that God puts together to create a beautiful picture.

Here are some verses to cling to in seasons when you can't see the big picture:

You are God’s masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10)  
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5) 
Be still and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10) 
God promises to complete the good work He began in you. (Philippians 1:6) 

Serve and worship God right where you are. Let Him complete the picture in His time (Psalm 27:14). Trust Him to take all the pieces of your puzzle and create something beautiful.