Mark 6:30-52 describes an interesting scene. The disciples were tired and barely had enough time to eat (32). Jesus saw their exhaustion and sent them on a boat to rest in a desolate spot; however, the crowds anticipated their trip and met them on the opposite shore. Jesus had compassion on the people because they were like “sheep without a shepherd” and being the Good Shepherd began to minister (34). I can only imagine the frustration and exhaustion the disciples felt knowing that Jesus was doing the right thing, but then, all these needy people. Ugh! They were peopled out! Then Jesus dares to ask them to feed the big crowd (37). Their eyes probably almost bulged out of their heads, and I dare say, there may have been a few murmurs of complaints. Jesus saved the day again, fed the 5000 with two fish and five loaves with 12 baskets of leftovers, and sent his exhausted disciples on the boat again as he released the crowd (45).
Finally, on their way home! But then strong winds. Can you imagine the bad attitudes as they “made headway painfully, for the wind was against them” (48)? The experienced-fishermen-turned disciples, John, James, Peter, and Andrew were not always the nicest. They probably barked orders in some colorful language at the non-fishermen-majority-turned-disciples, who lacked the expertise to handle a boat, especially when they were all beyond tired. Surely, they were all a hot mess. Here comes Jesus walking on the water to save the night, but what? He meant to pass them by (48). What? Were they so annoying that in his exhaustion, He planned to walk by to deal with them later?
The disciples greatly needed Him to calm the storm in the boat, address their fears, and reassure them that things were okay. In verse 52, it says how they hadn’t understood the miracle of the bread, and now their hearts were hardened. The disciples not only lacked faith, but they also had hard hearts. Jesus again had a bigger lesson for them. By passing them, he wanted to show them His divinity. Digging around in the Bible, “pass by (Gk. parerchomai)” is the same verb used in Ex. 33:19, 22, and 34:6 where God passed by Moses, giving a glimpse of His glory. It is also in Job 9:8 “he tramples the waves of the sea” and 9:11 “He passes by me.” He meant to pass by them walking on the water to show His divinity. He wanted His disciples to grasp it.
“Next time you face the unexpected, a moment of difficulty you don’t want to go through, remember that such a moment doesn’t picture a God who has forgotten you, but one who is near to and doing in you a very good thing.” We want instant reassurance and the alleviation of pain. Many times it may feel that God is passing us by. How our perspective changes when we realize that He wants us to see His glory. When we see His glory, the things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. (Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, Lemmel 1922).
When you face difficulties and think Jesus is passing you by, look for His glory. You may be surprised by what you find.
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