Better Together in Hortonville

Better Together in Hortonville

Pastor Tom Gonzalez gives his inaugural message at the Opera House for our "Better Together" series.

Two is Better than One

Two is Better than One

Pastor Mark gives the first message of our new series, "Better Together."

What Are We Known For?

What Are We Known For?

Every church is known for something⏤good, bad, or ugly. We're no exception. So, what do we want to...

Honoring the Generations

Honoring the Generations

By honoring one another, we honor the Lord. Listen to Rev. Brian Episcopo's message on honor and the...

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

In the final sermon of our DAVID series, Pastor Brian Episcopo reminds us of this foundational...

Mike Sohm

Mike Sohm

President of CAMA Mike Sohm joined us to encourage and remind us of what God is doing around the...

David & 2 Samuel 7

David & 2 Samuel 7

Dr. Mark Harris unpacks a pivotal moment in Scripture: 2 Samuel 7. It's a defining passage; one that...

What Does God Want from You?

What Does God Want from You?

In 2 Samuel 7, we read about the time King David made a big plan for God, but it wasn't what God was...

How to Experience Forgiveness

How to Experience Forgiveness

Even though we all have a tendency to hide our sin from God, we have to trust God with our worst so...

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