Living for Heaven with Feet on Earth

Living for Heaven with Feet on Earth

Heaven may seem distant and disconnected, but the reality of a future with God should change the way...

Why Get Dunked?

Why Get Dunked?

For many people, baptism may seem odd and confusing, but we read in the Bible that it is an...

All Work, No Wow

All Work, No Wow

In the story of the prodigal son, there are two sons and a father. However, Pastor Brian tells the...

Wow in the Whisper

Wow in the Whisper

If we only look for God in the big, miraculous moments, it can mess with our faith and theology....

Has God Let You Down?

Has God Let You Down?

What do you do when you feel like God has let you down? We read that Elijah was disappointed with...

Sin, Sorrow, and Salvation

Sin, Sorrow, and Salvation

Because our sin hurts our relationships with God and others, it should be lamented, but God doesn't...

Good Grief

Good Grief

True repentance is more than a feeling, it's a motion that points towards the true God.

From Woe to Go

From Woe to Go

A real encounter with God always results in repentance, worship, and commissioning. ...

The Hope of Glory

The Hope of Glory

We are seen as perfectly righteous because of what Jesus did for us, and yet, we are called to work...

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