No Matter What

No Matter What

When your allegiance to Christ is tested, how will you respond? Will you turn your back on Him or...

Are You All In?

Are You All In?

If you’re going to follow Jesus, you’re guaranteed to face hardship, have your allegiance to...

Club Christianity Requirements

Club Christianity Requirements

Jesus said some challenging things: If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and...

Eat My Flesh

Eat My Flesh

When Jesus said "eat my flesh and drink my blood," what was he referring to?

The Majesty of God in Creation & Christ

The Majesty of God in Creation & Christ

The majesty of God is displayed in every square inch of creation and seen most supremely in Christ....

How to Pray When You Don't Feel Like It

How to Pray When You Don't Feel Like It

Have you ever noticed how it’s easier to pray when we’re happy and the sun is shining, but when...

Psalm 103

Psalm 103

How do we get our heart to believe what our head knows? Pastor Brian explains that the audience of...

Don't Be a Mule

Don't Be a Mule

How can we experience God's forgiveness? In Psalm 32, David shares from his own life experience...

Soul Music

Soul Music

Pastor Dennis unpacks how we can learn to cry out to God and trust Him when life really, really...

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