What is it like to be an International Worker and what unique challenges do their children face? It’s hard to imagine their life until you experience it first-hand. Two short-term mission teams recently returned from Prishtina, Kosovo, and Antalya, Turkey where they got to walk alongside some missionary families and their children.

Kosovo Community Center Outreach Team
The Kosovo Team was asked to join Rob & Heidi Scott at their Community Center to get to know their teammates, the students in their English classes, the high school conversation group, and the mom and me gathering. At the end of the week, the team led an outreach event at the Center where over 80 children made friendship bracelets, tie-dye shirts, key chains, paper animals, and painted rocks.

The team learned that relationships are important to the Kosovar people and that they are eager to get to know Americans. They witnessed how the children beamed with pride when their artwork or ability to speak English was complimented. It was easy to see why the children and their parents look forward to attending classes and events at the warm and welcoming Center.

As the team walked in the shoes of the Scott family for a week, they toured the international school where their daughters attend, saw the beautiful countryside, and charming towns, sampled the bakery delicacies, and ate at their favorite restaurants. They heard about the joys of working among the Kosovar people and some of the difficulties of living in another culture.

After returning to America, the Kosovo team members all expressed their increased desire to be more intentional with relationships here at home. There is also a greater sense and need for prayer for the work the Scotts are doing in Prishtina; and the relationships they are developing. God deeply loves the Kosovar people - and He is using the team at the Center to show His love in tangible ways!

Turkey Regional Forum Team
The Turkey mission team had a different focus. They were invited to lead the programming for 60 children and youth at the Regional Forum for International Workers living throughout the Middle East. Discovery Land and Greenhouse staff and volunteers utilized what they’ve learned here, in Appleton, to create a space for fun and friendship along with purposeful lessons and activities that brought the Bible to life.

They did an outstanding job. As one dad commented, this is the first time his kids have watched the clock to ensure they weren’t late for class. Another mom was amazed when her kids passed on her offer to skip class and spend the afternoon at the pool. Even hotel guests were stopping by to see what was causing all the joyful laughter they were hearing.

For many kids who live internationally, the regional forum is the best week of the year. It’s a time and place where they can be themselves with other American kids who understand the unique challenges of living in a different culture. Their life experiences are full and exciting, but they can also be difficult and lonely.

Regional Forum is also an opportunity for them to step outside their normal day-to-day life and experience God in a new way. The experience is similar to what American kids have at summer camp or an annual youth retreat. There were kids at the Regional Forum, who understood the gospel in a new way. The seeds that had been sown and watered in the past suddenly made sense and six students can now say that they know for certain they will be with Jesus for eternity!

Our short-term team members are being used by God, in unique and exciting ways to support and encourage our international workers and their children. During the trip, team members learned new things about God and the people He loves across the globe. They even learned new things about themselves and their relationship with God and others. A week spent walking in their shoes gave a glimpse into an international worker’s life and an invitation to experience how God is accomplishing His purpose around the world.