

Matthew 5:14-16  “You are the light of the world!”


Imagine it's nighttime, and you're looking at a city located on a hillside. Do you see how each individual light shines in the pockets of darkness? This is how others should see us, the AAC family, as we are spread throughout the Fox Cities during this difficult season.


How can we be a bright light during such a challenging season? We know that the loving God of the universe, who calls Himself a Father to those who believe, is in control of every detail (1 John 3:1a). We can think about and meditate on our God, who has infinite power (Psalm 147:5). Because of this our feet, hands, and heart cannot rest but must keep doing what would honor God in all situations (Eph. 2:10), which results in us having an internal peace that only God gives (Isaiah 26:3).


How bright is your light during this week? What do you know about your God? What verses are you meditating on this week? What will you do with what you know and think about? And as you act on what you've learned and stand before your God, how will you feel? Let’s shine this week!

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